Sunday, May 29, 2011

--PaGi yG HenIng--

I had the time to watch Nur Kasih The Movie last monday (23/05/11).  I went to watch it with my hubby.  It was a nice movie, mcm dlm drama la.. Kali ni habis Khabir Batia cite psl family Adam, dari Aliyah meninggal sehingga ke peringkat Adam pula meninggal..huhu.. tapi ntah kenapa rasa tak puas pula tgk movie ni, even though its duration was like 100mins... rasa macam "we want more! we want more!" hehehe...

Anyways, today is an important day for me & my family. We are moving out!!! Out from the condo.. into the townhouse.. we've been living in the condo for the past three years..daripada takde anak, sampai dah beranak & kini anak dah berusia setahun setengah pun..huhu...i'll be missing this place...actually, tinggal di condo mmg best, takde gangguan nyamuk, secure place (alhamdulillah tak pernah takut kene rompak), lotsa facilities provided etc etc.  However, yg tak bestnya, nak tunggu lif punyer la lama, sakit hati! then klu tertinggal barang, tak kuasa nak gi tunggu lif semula, huhu..another thing is of course you've got to pay extra cash for the maintenance, even though you didn't use any of their facilities.. kami ni mana la rajin sgt pegi mandi swimming pool or workout at the gym, huhu...lagi best membuta kat rumah..syiookk!! Other than that, everything else is OK... hihi...

Hmm..I wonder how it's going to be like at the new place.  I hope it will be better.  The #1 thing that I fear most is kene rompak..minta dijauhkan la..tapi ada rmh sederet dgn rmh kitorg yg baru kene rompak bbrp minggu yg lalu...cuak jgk la bila dgr bakal jiran kami cite,huhu..hubby terus plan nak pasang camera or subscribe ADT services kat rmh tu nanti...bkn apa, for our own safety jgk kan...esok2 klu pkara buruk blaku, nnt menyesal tak sudah2...

Well, most of our things have already been packed...inshaAllah ard 11am, the lorry will come to pick up the boxes and some other bigger things like drawers, gym equipment, etc etc. They charged us RM330, which includes 3 helpers + 3 tonne lorry.  I hope all of our stuffs can fit  just nice into the lorry , hope we're not going to overload the lorry..huhu

Guess that's all for now, we'll update sooooon (after moving inshaAllah!)
Take care, everyone!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

- Mengidam Loacker Wafer -


I have never tasted Loacker wafer before..have no idea how it tastes like..until one day (15/05/11), I decided to by one small pack for my beloved daughter..i bought it at the Petronas station and it was quite expensive.. the small packet cost RM2.80!! However, it tasted soooooo gooooooood!!! Nyum2...

The next day, I bought 4 small packets at the mini market in IIUM.. each packet cost RM2.50! I bought 4 packets because there were 4 flavors... vanilla, napolitaner, cremkakao, milk... owhhh nyum2... hari-hari mengidam makan tu je...takpe2 nanti lama2 muak la kann?

Movie Reviews

Today, I feel like sharing with you guys the movies that I've recently watched..

not so best la.. it's an action movie mixed with comedy, but jalan cerita menghampakan, mcm cite takde motif need to go to the cinema to watch this movie... wasting time & money! ni kira cam cite ringan-ringan je la, tak yah fikir jln cite dia sgt...

this is a long movie, approximately 2 hr 20 mins! but, it is a great movie.. jalan cerita yg menarik, ada motif, full of action & comedy too..this one, tak rugi la kalau tgk wayang :-) it's about jack sparrow's journey to the fountain of youth..he traveled to the fountain by the Blackbeard's ship..passed by a bay that is full of beautiful & harmful mermaids.. very adventurous!

Erm some of the movies that I find to be interesting :p
a) Johnny English (Mr Bean is in this movie & this time - he TALKS!!)
b) Nur Kasih The Movie
c) Karak (i'm not interested to watch this, but my husband sure wanna watch it!)
d) Remember Me?

inshaAllah i'll do the movie reviews after done watching these movies (and if I have the time too! hehe..)
till then.... adios!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Alhamdulillah!! Finally....
I put a house rental advertisement in on 9th May 2011.. received sooo many phone calls eversince... However, most of them were chinese, and I prefer malays... not that i'm being discriminate or so...people have preference, right? Things they like more compared to the others...

Anyways, out of all the feedback that i've received (most of them were property agents! Sheesh...asyik call je smpi lewat mlm pun call bertubi2 mcm ada kes emergency plak)...only one of them were a malay, definitely not a property agent...

I showed him & his friends the apartment and facilities provided.  They seemed to be so interested and couldn't wait to move in. I told them to think about it first.  Then only decide.  Finally, yesterday, I got a text message from him. He & his friends have decided to rent our apartment. Alhamdulillah... I felt so relieved.  Selesai satu beban,huhu...  They will move in before 1st June, inshaAllah

Now, I can focus on:
1) Thesis (generate theme - chapter 4 & 5)
2) Townhouse renovation - pilih grill & gate (Toilet accessories & cat dah selesai, phew!)
3) Future

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kaki Wayang

Korang suka tgk wayang tak?? Saya suka! Saya suka!! Hehe... :P Mmg boleh kata kaki wayang jgk la...lagi2 bila panggung wayang dekat area rmh je kan...

Ada org kata tgk wayang haram...tapi pada saya ikut niat msg2 la kot.. saya & hubby pergi just utk tonton wayang je...kitorang tak beli vcd/dvd cetak rompak, sbb selalu kene tipu...beli-beli tp tengok gambar tak lawa, suara tak clear... lagipun kitorg selalunya tgk satu movie tu sekali je...jrg sgt la tgk berkali-kali...jadi lbh baik tgk wayang kan..kan??

tapi skrg lagi best...especially kpd pelanggan2 astro...astro first... kan skrg da bole subscribe...bole menonton dgn cite2 tertentu je la kan.. em, saya belum jadi pelanggan astro lagi....tgk la kalau dah pindah rumah baru nnt, mungkin pasang astro..hihi... tapi takde la nak amik sume pakej kan...kan..? tak mampu kuaso den do... mano ada maso nak dok dpn tv jo...haiiyyoo...

erm, setakat tahun 2011, ni antara cerita-cerita yg saya dah pernah saksikan di panggung wayang berhampiran saya (Wangsa Walk Mall - TGV):

1) Fast & Furios 5
2) Cun
3) Scary Movie 4
4) Justin Bieber (jumpa tomok plak time nih)
5) Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

cerita2 yg bakal disaksikan:
1) Kongsi
2) Nur Kasih The Movie
3) Pirates of the Carribean
4) Karak

.:Silence is Golden:.

Salaam everyone!! Hope all of you are doing great!! :-)

Whoaa, it's been a many things have happened...

1) Totally forgotten my blog password, huhu...smpi skrg taktau apa dia...
2) Wifi laptop rosak pulak... but now dah OK... luckily, i've saved my password dkt laptop nih...
3) My mom left for her Japan trip
4) My family (me+hubby+daughter) went for a vacation in Singapore (nice trip but tiring!)
5) My younger brother got married
6) House renovation - can't wait to move-in to the new house
7) Thesis??? Well, still in Chapter 4... *sigh* tawakal je laa...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 "NEVERS" & 10 "ALWAYS"


Got this piece of info from this website:

1. Never force Always encourage
2. Never punish harshly Always reason it
3. Never shake a child Always with gentle approach
4. Never shout/ scream Always speak calmly
5. Never deny/ deprive Always speak the truth
6. Never accuse Always communicate & believe
7. Never refuse unreasonably Always talk about it to develop self-awareness & To build a strong relationship with you
8. Never be negative Always be positive to develop confidence & always motivate
9. Never stare & glare Always with loving & forgiving eyes
10. Never compare Always praise & give your child good memories to support self-identity

Hope i'm able to apply this "philosophy" to my beloved children, inshaAllah... Ameen...

Plus, another info i got from this website:

Pesanan Saidina Ali r.a.

Didiklah anak kamu dengan cara yang berbeza setiap 7 tahun.

7 tahun pertama: beri dan ajarkan mereka tentang kasih sayang.
Manjakan mereka dengan kelembutan dan rasa cinta.
7 tahun kedua: berlaku tegas dengan mereka.
Didik mereka dan perbetulkan kesalahan yang mereka lakukan.
7 tahun ketiga: berkawanlah dengan mereka,
di saat ini mereka memerlukan teman untuk berbicara dan mengemukakan pendapat.
Mereka sudah boleh berfikir, bersahabatlah dengan mereka sebelum mereka mempunyai sahabat lain yang boleh meroksakkan akhlak.

Friday, March 4, 2011

..:: Comedy Series ::..

Sejak zaman remaja lagi, saya sudah meminati siri komedi F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

 Yep, I've watched all episodes from Season 1 to Season 10

 Ada 6 main characters, and they were Phoebe, Monica, Rachel, Ross, Chandler and Joey...

Sekarang, di waktu zaman-zaman ibu muda ini pula, saya amat meminati siri komedi

From left: Barney Stinson, Robin Scherbatsky,  Ted Mosby, Lily Aldrin, Marshall Eriksen

 My Fav Character - Of course watak utama :p

I've always thought she's beautiful & flawless

Anyways, cite ni sungguh lawak (kata komedi kann)......daaaannnnnnn ketagihhhh!!  Setakat ni ada 6 Seasons... dan I've watched Season 1,2 & 3... sekarang saya sedang berusaha gigih untuk menonton Season 4,5&6...bila ada masa terluang je, mesti buka laptop and watch it...yep, thanks to my hubby's friend who was kind enough to downloaded it for me =) Yippie!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011



Erm, kisah lama dan boring pun sebenarnye..huhu.. tanggal  14/02/11 yang lalu, saya dpt tahu...dengan rasminya pihak fakulti telahpun approved thesis topic saya...maka dengan itu, saya dibenarkan utk meneruskan kajian saya sehingga lah selesai (tak tau la bila tuh....)


ada banyak lagi cerita menarik yang hendak dikongsikan di nanti bila ada masa saya cerita lagi yer.. tiba-tiba rasa sedih pula sbb tak lama lagi adik saya akan pulang ke australia...sob..sob..sob...sunyi la rumah org tuaku nnt.... :(   hopefully one day we'll get a chance to go there and visit him... ameen..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



Please don't ask me what IRPC stands for.  All I know is that RPC stands for Research Proposal Committee (I think lor..huhu..correct me if i'm wrong ya!!)...anyways, today got IRPC meeting, and I am one of the five presenters.  I have only 5 minutes (7 ppt slides) to present my research proposal to the other lecturers. Then, they will shoot me give suggestions, feedback, or even ask questions to get a clear picture of what my research is all about.

Alhamdulillah, I think it went well.  Tunggu surat from the postgraduate office saja, to see whether or not my thesis topic is going to be approved or not.  Hopefully approve lor... Daaa!~



My 1st child.
A girl.
Going to be 15 months soon.
I'm so proud of her!

She has 12 teeth.
Enjoys playing with others.
Likes to laugh.
Talks to herself a LOT.

There is only one thing.
She is afraid.
To walk.

One step.
Two step.
Three step.
Then she falls.

She never gives up.
And I'm sure. One Day.
She will WALK like others.

Is all she needs.

p/s: orang kata, kalau anak 1st mmg normal klu jalan lambat... ada pula org kata, klu tumbuh gigi dulu, lambat jalan...klu jalan cepat, lambat tumbuh gigi...apa-apa pun, yg penting anak Ummi sihat & ceria!! Hihi...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Doa-doa Yang Bisa Diamalkan


Kali ni saya nak kongsikan doa-doa yang boleh dibaca oleh muslimin & muslimat semua.
Mudah-mudahan doa kita dimakbulkan. Allahumma ameen.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blackberry Storm 2


Bulan lepas, Encik Suami minta saya teman dia pergi Sg Wang.   Saya pun dengan senang hati pegi teman beliau yg mmg da berniat utk beli handphone di sana.  Sampai aje Sg Wang, kami pun nampak la booth Blackberry.   Saya mmg tak minat langsung dgn Blackberry.  Sbb saya langsung tak reti guna pon. Akhirnya, Encik Suami amik keputusan utk membeli Blackberry Storm 2.

Sampai saja di rumah, saya tanya, "Wah, canggihnya handphone..senang ke nak guna??"
Encik Suami balas, "takpe, meh kita try dulu..."  

Pendek cite, after few days, Encik Suami amik keputusan utk menghadiahkan Blackberry tersebut kpd insan yg amat dia sayangi dan cintai sepenuh hati jiwa dan raga, tak lain dan tak bukan, saya-lah!! hehe... :p  Dia kata, "Awak amik la Blackberry ni ye...hadiah anniversary kita!"  Saya pun terima dgn senang hati.  Walaupun saya tak reti langsung nak menggunakannya.

Sampai skrg Blackberry itu masih tersimpan rapi di dalam laci.

1.  Sebab saya tak pandai guna (tolong la ajar wahai sape2 yg tahu...)
2.  Dan juga sbb saya risau sgt klu anak saya nampak, nnt dia usik2 dan baling ke lantai
     (anak saya baru berusia 14 bulan)

Pisang Berkeju Dengan Sos Coklat


Hari ni saya nak share dgn anda semua resipi di atas.. Nyum-nyum.
Resipi ni diambil dpd sini. Sesuai utk org mcm saya yg amat gilekan
gemarkan coklat, hehe.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
1. Beberapa biji pisang di belah dua- sebaiknya guna pisang emas
2. Keju Mozarela-disagat
3. Coklat Hershey

Cara-cara membuatnya:
1. Bakar pisang di dalam oven, bakar kejap aje, jgn lama2 tau icon smile Pisang Berkeju Dengan Sos Coklat
2. Bila dah nampak masak keluarkan, dan taburkan cheese ke atas pisang
3. Makan bersama sos coklat,yummmy!

Selamat mencuba!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Assalamu'alaykum wbt and Hello Readers!! (cewah macam la ada readers :p)

Thanks for visiting my blog.
This is my first time having my own blog.
I usually read other people's blog. I enjoy reading them. Really.

Well, don't have much to say.  Hope I manage to keep this blog updated despite my very busy schedule at work home and school IIUM.

Adios! :)