I had the time to watch Nur Kasih The Movie last monday (23/05/11). I went to watch it with my hubby. It was a nice movie, mcm dlm drama la.. Kali ni habis Khabir Batia cite psl family Adam, dari Aliyah meninggal sehingga ke peringkat Adam pula meninggal..huhu.. tapi ntah kenapa rasa tak puas pula tgk movie ni, even though its duration was like 100mins... rasa macam "we want more! we want more!" hehehe...
Anyways, today is an important day for me & my family. We are moving out!!! Out from the condo.. into the townhouse.. we've been living in the condo for the past three years..daripada takde anak, sampai dah beranak & kini anak dah berusia setahun setengah pun..huhu...i'll be missing this place...actually, tinggal di condo mmg best, takde gangguan nyamuk, secure place (alhamdulillah tak pernah takut kene rompak), lotsa facilities provided etc etc. However, yg tak bestnya, nak tunggu lif punyer la lama, sakit hati! then klu tertinggal barang, tak kuasa nak gi tunggu lif semula, huhu..another thing is of course you've got to pay extra cash for the maintenance, even though you didn't use any of their facilities.. kami ni mana la rajin sgt pegi mandi swimming pool or workout at the gym, huhu...lagi best membuta kat rumah..syiookk!! Other than that, everything else is OK... hihi...
Hmm..I wonder how it's going to be like at the new place. I hope it will be better. The #1 thing that I fear most is kene rompak..minta dijauhkan la..tapi ada rmh sederet dgn rmh kitorg yg baru kene rompak bbrp minggu yg lalu...cuak jgk la bila dgr bakal jiran kami cite,huhu..hubby terus plan nak pasang camera or subscribe ADT services kat rmh tu nanti...bkn apa, for our own safety jgk kan...esok2 klu pkara buruk blaku, nnt menyesal tak sudah2...
Well, most of our things have already been packed...inshaAllah ard 11am, the lorry will come to pick up the boxes and some other bigger things like drawers, gym equipment, etc etc. They charged us RM330, which includes 3 helpers + 3 tonne lorry. I hope all of our stuffs can fit just nice into the lorry , hope we're not going to overload the lorry..huhu
Anyways, today is an important day for me & my family. We are moving out!!! Out from the condo.. into the townhouse.. we've been living in the condo for the past three years..daripada takde anak, sampai dah beranak & kini anak dah berusia setahun setengah pun..huhu...i'll be missing this place...actually, tinggal di condo mmg best, takde gangguan nyamuk, secure place (alhamdulillah tak pernah takut kene rompak), lotsa facilities provided etc etc. However, yg tak bestnya, nak tunggu lif punyer la lama, sakit hati! then klu tertinggal barang, tak kuasa nak gi tunggu lif semula, huhu..another thing is of course you've got to pay extra cash for the maintenance, even though you didn't use any of their facilities.. kami ni mana la rajin sgt pegi mandi swimming pool or workout at the gym, huhu...
Hmm..I wonder how it's going to be like at the new place. I hope it will be better. The #1 thing that I fear most is kene rompak..minta dijauhkan la..tapi ada rmh sederet dgn rmh kitorg yg baru kene rompak bbrp minggu yg lalu...cuak jgk la bila dgr bakal jiran kami cite,huhu..hubby terus plan nak pasang camera or subscribe ADT services kat rmh tu nanti...bkn apa, for our own safety jgk kan...esok2 klu pkara buruk blaku, nnt menyesal tak sudah2...
Well, most of our things have already been packed...inshaAllah ard 11am, the lorry will come to pick up the boxes and some other bigger things like drawers, gym equipment, etc etc. They charged us RM330, which includes 3 helpers + 3 tonne lorry. I hope all of our stuffs can fit just nice into the lorry , hope we're not going to overload the lorry..huhu
Guess that's all for now, we'll update sooooon (after moving inshaAllah!)
Take care, everyone!!